Swing match ups
Hi all, I hope you all enjoyed my little insight on chipping article and seen some improvements,this week’s article is on having your own individual swings and how your current swing can work just fine.
In the picture above its pretty clear that both these two swings are not a like, yet they are both world class players that are staples on the PGA Tour. How does this work you ask? They have both matched up the the body requirements to deliver the club on a consistent club head path to have a predictable shot pattern. So if your making a change to your golf swing be careful that the change matches your swing pattern as you can see your current swing maybe closer than what you think.
Any questions don’t hesitate to get in contact with me on either: Phone: 0272542204 Email: ben@benguilfordgolf.co.nz Website: www.benguilfordgolf.co.nz or touch base at the club when I’m in